Thursday, December 2, 2010

Flight Path for getting to Windhoek

This is the route we're taking to Windhoek.   We are leaving from Seattle Friday afternoon on a 5,095 mile, ten hour flight to Frankfurt, Germany. 
       ?? Question for the iPod Touch users --
       Is this flight longer or shorter than driving
       from Minter Creek across the country to
       New York City and back to Minter??
We'll still be in the northern hemisphere  when we land in Germany so we're expecting cold weather.    We'll have a ten hour stay in Frankfurt.  We will cross nine time zones during our flight.  When we arrive in Frankfurt at 7:00 a.m. Saturday morning, our bodies will feel like it's still Gig Harbor time which would be only 10:00 p.m. Friday night !   To make the adjustment, we'll force ourselves to stay up by taking a train into Wiesbaden or Mainz.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Test Blog

Sable at Okapuka Game Park
On January 7, 2011, I'll be flying to Namibia to finalize plans for a conference I am organizing for the International Association of Special Education (IASE).   I'll spend the first week doing work and visiting sites around the capital, Windhoek.  The second week will include a loop up north visiting Opuwo (the central town of Kaokoland) and one of the tent schools of the Ondao Mobile Schools project.  We'll return through Etosha National Park. 

This blog is a record of my trip for the staff and students of Minter Creek Elementary, Gig Harbor, WA., home of the Super Dolphins.

This is a test entry.