Saturday, January 15, 2011

Answers to Katie's questions

Sunday, 7:00 am
Hi Katie,
Here's some answers to your questions.

What is the current temperature?  It has been rather mild here, thank goodness.  Today it is suppose to be a high of 83 F and a low of 63 F with afternoon thundershowers.   They give the weather in Celsius instead of Fahrenheit as we have in the US.  So the paper reads - high of 28 C, low of 17 C.   To change from Celsius to Fahrenheit is another challenging math problem.   You take the Celsius number and multiply it by nine, then divide that by five, and then add 32.   Yikes!  So tomorrow is suppose to be a high of 25 C.  What will the temperature be (in Fahrenheit)?   :-)

What did you have for breakfast, besides chips? :)   I try to eat a big breakfast and a small lunch because the heat at lunchtime effects my appetite.  I had granola with berry yogurt, an egg omelet with cheese and ham, toast with berry jam and coffee.

What do kids her age (8) like to play with?   Kids in the city of Windhoek have access to toys just like yours I will show you that tomorrow morning.  We are going over to Edwin and Emmy's house this afternoon.  We are cooking an "American" meal for them, some friends and the PLU students - probably 30 people in all.  Paula and Emmy are cooking 3 cheese macaroni, Edwin and I are barbequing chicken and we'll have a big salad.  They have a daughter named Dolly who is 8 or 9 and a new 8 year old cousin is living with them.  I will have them get their toys together and will do a photograph of them with their toys.   There is a big, new mall in town where you can find most everything.  
    When we go north later this week, they won't have any of these things. So I will watch and or ask somewhere up there to answer that question.
What other animals have you seen? Can you post pictures of them?  Wow, let me see.  I've been on two game drives so far (I plan to do a post on them later today).  On these two drives I've seen giraffee, warthogs, white rhinoceros, crocodile, impala, eland, springbok, steenbok, mongoose, tons of birds, mountain zebra, Burchell's zebra, blue wildebeest, black wildebeest, water buck, kudu, ostrich, oryx, blackbacked jackal and dik dik.   I'll post some pictures in my next blog.

Does the Namibian Newspaper have a section for comics?  They only have one cartoon in the paper called, "Ndeshi & Jakes".  :-)   I'll bring you a Namibian newspaper for you to see.

Take care and thanks for the questions.

1 comment:

  1. Katie is going to go sharpen her pencil and start working on the math problem. I'll let you know what answer she comes up with. :)
    She also made a list of the animals listed above to Google and learn more. :)
