Saturday, January 15, 2011

Home Building

House Building
   There is a empty field next our lodge.  Each morning on my walk to the little grocery store down the way to get a newspaper, The Namibian, I stop for a bit at this field to watch a weaver bird building a nest.  Our lodge manager, Paul, used to be a professional birding guide in England.  He came to Namibia to pursue his birding passion.  So I asked Paul, "Why is this bird building a nest so close to other weaver nests (as there are six or seven nests on adjoining limbs)?"   
   Paul said, “Oh no, these are not the nest of other weaver birds.  If they are brown, they are nests from last year.  If they are green, they are this year’s nest built by the same male.  The male will built a nest and then show it to his female.   If she does like the nest, she will rip it apart and he will have to start over.  So if you see nest real close, then that means the female has rejected the other nests (living room to small, she wanted hardwood floors – he put in tile, etc.   :-)"

So yesterday I took my telephoto and watched him for awhile. 
Ready to go to work
 Examining his progress
 Off to find the female to get approval of his progress
 She returns to inspect his progress

 She continues her assessment.  He seems concerned.
 Making final adjustments before she examines the second home.

 Don’t know what her comments were, but back to work he went.

 What's a guy got to do?


  1. I love watching these guys! They are my kind of guy-very persistent and creative. I think the creative part of the house is putting the door on the bottom so they can enter and go up into the living room and bar area first, have a drink and relax when they get home. Of course they have no WC so that is more room for a bigger bedroom and hot tub. Do they have a library? I can't remember if these birds read or not! Great house, great builders. Get a copy of the plans for me, will you? Thanks, AnnF

  2. Katie and I are enjoying your posts- keep them coming and the pictures too. She loved the pictures of the weaver birds and the nests. Katie has some questions for you:
    What is the current temperature?
    What did you have for breakfast, besides chips? :)
    What do kids her age (8) like to play with?
    What other animals have you seen? Can you post pictures of them?
    Does the Namibian Newspaper have a section for comics?
    Those are all questions directly from Katie... she is thinking about some more, but I thought that would keep you busy for a while. Thanks for posting to the blog. ~ Michelle & Katie
