Sunday, January 16, 2011

Sunday BBQ at Edwin's & Emmy's

Monday, 1/17/11, 6:00 am
After attending the Sunday service in Katutura, we came back and loaded up the SUV with cooking supplies and headed over to Edwin's and Emmy's.  What was planned for a Sunday lunch for 30 turned into a BBQ for 50 as we forgot to plan for the 20 or so kids that arrived to enjoy their pool.

Katie, I asked Dolly about what her favorite toy was and she said, "Dolls".  Below is Dolly (right) and her cousin (Yay/yama rara) with her doll.

Edwin (right) a PLU graduate prepared the fire in their poolside lappa along with his brother, Brian (left).

Emmy (left) and Gloria (a friend of Emmy's) made homemade bread.

Jennifer, Paula and Emmy working on a custard dessert.

Some of the boys enjoying the pool.

Dolly on the back of Ben Bernacke (or is that Sean Connery?)  She stole his hat.  Looks like Ben's been working out in the gym!

Gume, Utarera, Shanda and Yay/yama rara cooling off.
Little Booba watching some of the gang showing off for the camera with one of the PLU students, Veronica.

1 comment:

  1. Please pass this on to Dolly, from Katie: Katie likes the picture of her with her cousin and her doll. Katie wants Dolly to know that she has a doll very much like Dolly's and is off to play with it too.

    Katie also likes the picture of all the kids sitting by the pool and would love to be sitting in the warm sun too!
    Thanks for posting.
