Sunday, January 16, 2011

Sunday Service

Sunday, 11:00 am

Just back from attending church service in Katutura.  Helen, aren't you proud of me!
We went to our friend, Noah !Gaoseb's church.  Noah is a math instructor at UNAM and we taught together when we did teacher training in Opuwo for the Himba Ondao Mobile Schools project a few years back. The service ran from 9:00 to noon and we stayed for the first half of it.
The service was in an old movie theater building.  Lots of contemporary music and dancing and more music and more dancing and an occasional scripture reading and more music.  It was pretty warm inside so everyone was wiping the sweat off their brows.
We were all invited to the front to introduce ourselves and to talk a bit about the work we were doing in Windhoek.  After our brief talk, me about the conference, and Paula about the PLU student teachers, they had these two young boys come up.  One, who was 10 years old, did a Halleluja rap while his 6 year old brother danced.   They brought down the house!

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