Monday, January 17, 2011

Meeting with the Minister

Monday, 1/17/11

Had our final important meeting today.  Got to meet with the Minister of Education, Dr. Abraham Iyambo.  Pictured here from left to right is: the fellow in charge of finance for the Education Ministry, Paula, Dr. Iyambo, Edwin and me.  The minister had just returned from England two days ago and was headed out to Cuba and the US this coming weekend, so it was good to get a few minutes with him.  He agreed to open the conference for us with a welcome to all the delegates.  Additionally, we discussed the proposal to have the ministry support 120 Namibian teachers to attend the conference.
   Next we met with Dr. Inaani Lisony Kahikuata-Kariko, Chief Educational Officer for Special Programmes and Schools.   She will follow the Minister in giving an opening address to the delegates.   Here is me, Dr. Kahikuata-Kariko, Edwin and Paula.

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