Thursday, January 13, 2011

Nik Naks maize snack

    It’s always fun to check out the snack food in a different country.  Here the main labels for chips and snacks is Willlards and Simba.  They have some interesting flavors.  Besides the regular cheese & onion, salt & vinegar and barbeque flavors, they have smoked beef, hot peri peri, spicy tomato and fruit chutney flavors.   Yummmmmmmm.   
You can see that I got the "Party Bag" size.  :-)

1 comment:

  1. I love the hot peri-peri ones with some cold libations under the veranda at Casa Blanca in the afternoon after a long day driving around in traffic with Paula at the wheel of the junky white rental car on the wrong side of the road with me yelling left- left- left oh my I can't believe it's a truck get over Paula I'm going to die in Namibia without anyone ever knowing how much I did love those chips! Remember, Paula how we had Peter paint the rental car for us? hahahaha AnnF
